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What if Germany turned Communist and Russia Fascist. In This Alternate Timeline, Tudeh, The Persian Communist Party, Gains Power Through Muhammad Musaddiq In The 1950s, Bringing Iran Under The Control Of The USSR. What If Iran Became Communist | Alternate History. Sorry for lighting and audio quality, I am currently experimenting on it. Alternate History - What if Germany was Communist Instead of Being Fascist. New Videos Every Wednesday At 2:30 PM EST What If Yugoslavia Successfully Supported The Communists In The Greek Civil War, And Later United The Balkans Into A Greater Yugoslavia? No, This Ain't A HOI4 Scenario Gone Mad, We're Just Riding This Scenario Wave As Far As It Will Take Us, And By Us, I Mean Me, And My Special Surprise Guest: Omesh, The Adriatic Mapper! What If Greece Became Communist | Alternate History. What if Germany's Spartacus league took power during the German Revolution? Let's talk about that! Alternate History: What If Germany Became Communist. Related Alternate History What If Germany Became Communist
In this video we will look at an alternative history of Germany, in the case of a coup d'état organized by the Communists.